Global Invest Bank LTD |
Статус: Ожидание
Наш рейтинг:    
Тарифные планы: 0.7%-1% в день на 100 дней, 1.2-1.9% в день на 1 год.(+ 25% бонус)
Мин. вклад: $35
Макс. вклад: $50000
Мин. выплата: $0.01
Комиссия с выплаты: 0.00%
Наш вклад: $100.00
Всего выплат: 53%
Реф. программа: 10%
Всего голосов: 10.0 - 1
Тип выплат: Вручную
Статистика выплат ::Обсудить на Форуме:: Голосовать :: Код статус-баннера
Последняя выплата: 2 дня назад
Всего работает: 34 дней
(с 22.07.2008) |
На мониторинге: 29 дней
(с 27.07.2008) |
Статус сервера проекта: доступен (Время последней проверки: 0 ч. 53 мин. назад) |
Описание программы:
In today’s fast-paced and complex global economy, Global Invest Bank LTD is a trusted advocate for many financial institutions, emerging businesses, private investors and high net worth individuals. Created in 2001, Global Invest Bank LTD have a recognized strong reputation for performance, integrity and honesty. Global Invest Bank LTD is a unique and so successful company with a highly qualified pool of talent. The company is dedicated to investor protection, and market integrity through effective and efficient regulation and complementary compliance and technology-based services. Global Invest Bank LTD has developed a wealth of experience and expertise in the area of environmental performance, analysis and reporting. Differentiating the business, products and services in today’s dynamic markets requires the right combination of knowledge, experience, originality, creativity, contacts and hard work… At Global Invest Bank LTD, that’s they do deliver full service, strategic public relations and investor relations services that produce results. |