Статус: В архиве
Наш рейтинг:    
Тарифные планы: от 5% до 15% на 90-180 дней
Контакты: |
Мин. вклад: $1
Макс. вклад: $3000
Мин. выплата: $0.01
Комиссия с выплаты: 10%
Наш вклад: $10.00
Всего выплат: 97%
Реф. программа: 5%-10%
Всего голосов: 40.0 - 4
Тип выплат: Мгновенно
Статистика выплат :: Голосовать :: Код статус-баннера
Последняя выплата: больше недели назад
Всего работает: 66 дней
(с 05.02.2008) |
На мониторинге: 66 дней
(с 05.02.2008) |
Описание программы:
STABLE BANK - a group of investment market analytics , our work experience beside 5 years. We concern with the analysing investment projects and forex market. During 5 years we has accumulated big experience in this work, such, as selection more responsible and good projects in network. We unite our skills, knowledge and talents to bring a new reliable investment opportunity for our investors. As the result of careful planning and joint work You can be sure that your funds will be save as good as possible in our time.Your deposits will be invested in already long ago checked projects. To check capacity to work of the project very simple, just invest minimum amount in investment plan for 10 days, and after whole 10 days You’ll get 115% from amount of Your contribution. You can use our banners to promoting our website on other sites and forums and earn referral commissions - 5-10% Referral сomission for all investors. |